Toddler sport Singapore

Preparing your Children for Sports Class at Shaws Little League

It’s that day again – you can feel the excitement of your children wanting to come and play sport at Shaws Little League in the air – their favourite games, their favourite coaches, wanting to emulate their sporting heroes and show you all just how good they are.

As parents, what can we do to help our toddlers and children have an even more enjoyable time at their Shaws Little League sport class?

We’ve come up with an easy list to help your children perform their best during the children's sports class:

  • Get your children dressed in their fastest, strongest and favourite sports attire (our Shaws Little League vests are probably the best), together with some comfortable shoes (double knotted, if they are lace-ups). And don’t forget to let the children carry their own water bottle, so that they stay hydrated.
  • Ensure that they have a hearty meal/snack at least 30 minutes prior to playing – this can be difficult when coming from school, but think simple – some fruit, a low sugar snack bar and a drink – provides enough calories for the children to get through one of our children’s sports sessions. Depending on your mealtimes, a snack for afterward is appropriate as well.
  • On the way to Shaws Little League – help create the buzz – talk to your children about the sport they will be playing (or even better, let them guess). Give some positive encouragement – “I love seeing you smashing the ball/running hard/trying to score goals, etc.” Anything to get them in the kid sport zone.
  • After their sports session – congratulate your children on their effort, share their sweat (we tell all the children to wipe their sweat on their parents!), talk about anything great, funny or interesting that happened, relax, enjoy the trip home and look forward to your child’s next sports session at Shaws Little League.

See you all soon for more action-packed and sweaty fun at another day in Singapore kids sport!

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